My first post relevant to my topic of Gender and Desperate Housewives was post 3 in which I explained to the reader what generated my interest in this topic and why I thought it would be an accurate site of analysis of popular culture. I clearly stated that I was a fan of the show and didn’t analyze the traits of gender, race, class, or sexuality in the characters until I started this project. This was the first shift in my topic when I had to push aside my perceptions of the show as a viewer of entertainment and begin taking into account the inequalities produced through the reinforcement of prevailing societal values and norms. When I began analyzing the messages conveyed by the characters I quickly became aware of the hegemonic norms being reinforced through the show.
There is little diversity in the all of the characters race, class, and sexuality. The main characters are all straight, middle to upper class Caucasian women in their late 30’s, early 40’s. There is the exception of the Latino, ex-model, Gabrielle however her ethnicity and background as a Latino never truly surfaces on the show, in that she never embraces her diversity or uses it in the context of the show. The only indication that she is in fact from a Latino descent is the accent in her husbands’ voice when he pronounces her name. As I also mentioned in post 3, the Applewhite’s consisting of a mother and her two sons were the only African American family to EVER appear on the show! They failed to return the next season because one of the sons was a murderous rapist who was shot and the other who was mentally ill was blamed for his brothers’ murder. Bree’s son came out as the only gay character that holds a prominent position throughout the series. However Bree abandons him after she can no longer put up with his malicious attitude and finds him in bed with her boyfriend (her alcohol counselor).
Being a teenage, middle class, female who watched Desperate Housewives as a source of entertainment on Sunday nights, these examples of hegemonic values and norms portrayed by the show were invisible to me until I began watching through the lens of normative popular culture with gender inequalities in mind. I was so entertained and transfixed to the plot turns and deception amongst the characters that these subliminal messages were so implicit to me. Maybe if I was an African American teenage girl from a low class family I would’ve been aware from the first couple of episodes of the social norms produced by the show. To me these norms were disseminated on the covert level but that probably isn’t the case for viewers with race, sexuality, and class, opposite to the prevalent and hegemonic characteristics of the characters on the show. If you’re a viewer looking for support in hegemonic norms through the context of a TV show, Desperate Housewives is the place to find it.
The next shift in my topic is when I related gender, class, race, and sexuality to motherhood and the emphasis on idealistic families in Desperate Housewives. Every female character on Desperate Housewives struggles with the attempt of obtaining that perfect, idealistic picture of a family throughout the series. This struggle is intentionally portrayed to serve as a source of comfort to the audience of mothers who are also trying to achieve idealistic families, although it’s impossible. The producers could make the show resemble idealistic families but then no one would want to watch it because no one can relate to having an idealistic family. People find comfort in knowing that they aren’t the only ones struggling and they find satisfaction in seeing that other people also have problems and that some are more extreme then their own, even if its only on TV. Hegemonic norms are being reproduced through this depiction. Stay at home moms and women in general are being reassured through this series that the idealistic family is also unattainable to beautiful women living in beautiful houses on TV.
I think that Desperate Housewives gives a very empowering representation of motherhood. However this representation is sometimes concealed by the scandals and drama unfolding by the women. There is an obvious bond between the mothers and their children apparent to the viewer when the show strays away from the murders and the lies and reinforces the hegemonic motherly role most women and mothers can identify with. The role of women as a primary caregiver is a perfect example of “Hegemony that requires ideological assertion becomes self-evident cultural assumptions” (Lull). In our culture, it is an assumption that the female takes on the loving, and caring role in a child’s life. The only time a character was portrayed as a “bad mother” was when Bree deserted her son. However Bree isn’t portrayed as having the most stable state of mind either. I think mothers and women in general can associate with this bond whether they think of their own mother or their own children. Behind all of the drama displayed in the show and the chaos in their own lives, female viewers can associate with this emotional bond between mother and child.
I also found that the show did in some ways disrupt prevailing norms, for example through the most obvious and bold display of its name, Desperate Housewives. I don’t think any woman wants the word “desperate” as a title which is why it draws my attention. Many overwhelmed and underappreciated mothers and wives may in fact feel desperate at some points in their lives. They may feel desperate for help, attention, appreciation, love, and respect, which is why I think so many women have found this show compelling. It takes four everyday women living on a picture perfect street and transforms them into sexy, mischievous, and desirable females who like the viewer, has problems too. Desperate Housewives empowers women who may feel that their young days have passed and that they are now at the mercy of their husband and children. It demonstrates strength in women and serves as an outlet to exhausted mothers.
The messages conveyed by the characters in the show became very clear to me through my analysis and the feedback I received throughout the semester. I understand my topic differently in that although the show might empower women it also reinforces stereotypical norms. Using gender as the primary source of analysis as well as race, class, and sexuality and relating them not only to the way the characters are portrayed but also to the portrayal of motherhood and families, really helped my understanding of the topic.
Lull, James. “Hegemony”. Dines, Gail. Gender, Race, and Class in Media, 62.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Blog buddy work with Liz, Author of Desperate for Desperate Housewives
Where has your Blog buddy shown strong analytical work (be specific—is it a particular post, a type of analysis, a site for analysis that seemed to click more so than others, etc)?
I believe that blog post #3 was very strong analytical work. The blog post was very concise and to the point. I definitely got an understanding how “Desperate Housewives” enforces both hegemonic and counterhegemonic norms. I especially loved the way the quotes were used. The quote about black men being sexual monsters is extremely relevant, for it enforces the point my blog buddy was trying to make about the black characters being portrayed on the show in a negative light.
How could your Blog buddy use this strength for the final Blog post and presentation?
The quotes being used to answer the assignments so far have been really relevant. It’s definitely more important to have a few quotes that are relevant from one source than a lot of quotes from many sources. Continue to use 1-2 sources and only use quotes that are applicable to the assignment, even if that means only 1-2 quotes are used. A couple of really good quotes will show you have a grasp of the material and give you plenty of room to give your own analysis. I think the analysis you did on idealistic families is great! Perhaps you can quotes about the family and talk about idealistic families in your final blog post if possible.
Think about the following statements in relation to your Blog buddy’s Blog and then provide feedback on each area (constructive praise/criticism):
The Blog is on a topic that has been clearly evident in the Blog posts throughout the semester
With the exception of the first blog post and the extra credit assignment, every single blog post has been analyzing “Desperate Housewives.” Every single post about “Desperate Housewives” mentions some sort of gender message given by the show. In addition, my blog buddy mentions other issues that intersect with gender, such as race, class and sexuality.
The Blog is on a topic that seems to interest my Blog buddy
My blog buddy definitely seems to be interested in her topic. She gives tons of examples from “Desperate Housewives,” proving that she must watch the show. She even admits to being an “avid viewer” of the show since it first aired! She found lots of great articles!
My Blog buddy’s topic is one that has produced a good set of posts that were analytical used gender as a primary category of analysis
The posts make analytical arguments.
Each post mentions gender as the primary category of analysis. Other issues such as race and class are mentioned as well, but she makes sure to link these issues to gender. She makes sure to steer away from her opinion as much as possible, and notes that it is a difficult thing to do. Each post answered the question at hand and usually stayed on topic.
The posts are understandable and each post logically outlines and supports the argument presented.
My blog buddy mentions how she originally did not analyze what “Desperate Housewives” says about pop culture. By stating this and then analyzing the many things the show does say about pop culture, she shows that she now can see that it’s more than just a T.V. show. Her posts discuss idealistic families, motherhood, race, working women, etc. She does not psychoanalyze the individual character, but rather points out what the actions of the characters say about popular culture.
The posts were clear, provided insight, evidence, and analysis to connect the topic with the assignment for each of the posts
The posts are short, sweet, and to the point. This makes the posts relatively easy to understand. They are logical and each paragraph tends to stick to one particular point rather than jumping from point to point all over the place.
The sources cited in each post are relevant to the topic and help to aid the understanding of the argument and/or assisted in proving the argument.
The posts always answered the question asked. There were plenty of examples given from the show that proved the point my blog buddy was trying to make. My partner made sure not to give opinions. She kept herself distanced enough from what she was writing to simply analyze and not judge. The points made applied with the topic she was addressing.
The quotes used illustrate a broad range of course readings throughout the semester.
The posts did not exceed the 1-2 sources recommended per post. Not that many quotes were used, which helped my partner find more effective quotes (quality over quantity). The quotes showed that my blog buddy had a grasp on the readings and how they applied to her topic.
The quotes were clear and succinct; additionally, the material was presented so that I could differentiate the Blog buddy’s ideas from that of the author cited.
My blog buddy used quotes from the King Kong article, the Kilbourne article, two chapters in the “Gender, Race, and Media book, and the Courtney Love article. This was definitely a wide enough range of articles for the assignment. The topics ranged from black men and porn to motherhood, which really gives the blog a lot of variety and covers a lot of important points about gender and pop culture.
I thought it was great when you...
I thought it was great when you brought up race issues several times in your blog posts. I think the fact that the only black characters on the show were portrayed as violent gives the viewer a huge message about race. It’s also important that you mention how the black son has a mental disability. The few depictions of African Americans on the show are being depicted as defective in some way, which is giving the viewer an extremely powerful message.
I found it confusing when you…
I was a little confused when my blog buddy referred to “the normative perception of a ‘housewife’ in U.S. society. What is this perception? I think more detail needs to be given about what a housewife is perceived in order to make that point valid. Try to be specific and not use broad terms such as society if possible.
You’re really great at…
My blog buddy is great at using relevant quotes in the assignments that pertain to the point they are trying to make in their blog posts. The quotes are always blended into sentences and never sound choppy and awkward. They are very concise and to the point.
I wish you could focus (more) on/alter/edit/explain/expand on/etc these three things…
I think you should focus more on how sexuality is portrayed on “Desperate Housewives.” It is mentioned briefly in a post about one of the housewife’s sons, but I think the sexuality about the actual housewives needs to be discussed.More should be said aboutPerhaps you can focus more on how the show serves as a outlet to overwhelmed and underappreciated wives and mothers.I think you can also focus more on how economics and social class plays a role in the amount of power the housewives on the show have.
I believe that blog post #3 was very strong analytical work. The blog post was very concise and to the point. I definitely got an understanding how “Desperate Housewives” enforces both hegemonic and counterhegemonic norms. I especially loved the way the quotes were used. The quote about black men being sexual monsters is extremely relevant, for it enforces the point my blog buddy was trying to make about the black characters being portrayed on the show in a negative light.
How could your Blog buddy use this strength for the final Blog post and presentation?
The quotes being used to answer the assignments so far have been really relevant. It’s definitely more important to have a few quotes that are relevant from one source than a lot of quotes from many sources. Continue to use 1-2 sources and only use quotes that are applicable to the assignment, even if that means only 1-2 quotes are used. A couple of really good quotes will show you have a grasp of the material and give you plenty of room to give your own analysis. I think the analysis you did on idealistic families is great! Perhaps you can quotes about the family and talk about idealistic families in your final blog post if possible.
Think about the following statements in relation to your Blog buddy’s Blog and then provide feedback on each area (constructive praise/criticism):
The Blog is on a topic that has been clearly evident in the Blog posts throughout the semester
With the exception of the first blog post and the extra credit assignment, every single blog post has been analyzing “Desperate Housewives.” Every single post about “Desperate Housewives” mentions some sort of gender message given by the show. In addition, my blog buddy mentions other issues that intersect with gender, such as race, class and sexuality.
The Blog is on a topic that seems to interest my Blog buddy
My blog buddy definitely seems to be interested in her topic. She gives tons of examples from “Desperate Housewives,” proving that she must watch the show. She even admits to being an “avid viewer” of the show since it first aired! She found lots of great articles!
My Blog buddy’s topic is one that has produced a good set of posts that were analytical used gender as a primary category of analysis
The posts make analytical arguments.
Each post mentions gender as the primary category of analysis. Other issues such as race and class are mentioned as well, but she makes sure to link these issues to gender. She makes sure to steer away from her opinion as much as possible, and notes that it is a difficult thing to do. Each post answered the question at hand and usually stayed on topic.
The posts are understandable and each post logically outlines and supports the argument presented.
My blog buddy mentions how she originally did not analyze what “Desperate Housewives” says about pop culture. By stating this and then analyzing the many things the show does say about pop culture, she shows that she now can see that it’s more than just a T.V. show. Her posts discuss idealistic families, motherhood, race, working women, etc. She does not psychoanalyze the individual character, but rather points out what the actions of the characters say about popular culture.
The posts were clear, provided insight, evidence, and analysis to connect the topic with the assignment for each of the posts
The posts are short, sweet, and to the point. This makes the posts relatively easy to understand. They are logical and each paragraph tends to stick to one particular point rather than jumping from point to point all over the place.
The sources cited in each post are relevant to the topic and help to aid the understanding of the argument and/or assisted in proving the argument.
The posts always answered the question asked. There were plenty of examples given from the show that proved the point my blog buddy was trying to make. My partner made sure not to give opinions. She kept herself distanced enough from what she was writing to simply analyze and not judge. The points made applied with the topic she was addressing.
The quotes used illustrate a broad range of course readings throughout the semester.
The posts did not exceed the 1-2 sources recommended per post. Not that many quotes were used, which helped my partner find more effective quotes (quality over quantity). The quotes showed that my blog buddy had a grasp on the readings and how they applied to her topic.
The quotes were clear and succinct; additionally, the material was presented so that I could differentiate the Blog buddy’s ideas from that of the author cited.
My blog buddy used quotes from the King Kong article, the Kilbourne article, two chapters in the “Gender, Race, and Media book, and the Courtney Love article. This was definitely a wide enough range of articles for the assignment. The topics ranged from black men and porn to motherhood, which really gives the blog a lot of variety and covers a lot of important points about gender and pop culture.
I thought it was great when you...
I thought it was great when you brought up race issues several times in your blog posts. I think the fact that the only black characters on the show were portrayed as violent gives the viewer a huge message about race. It’s also important that you mention how the black son has a mental disability. The few depictions of African Americans on the show are being depicted as defective in some way, which is giving the viewer an extremely powerful message.
I found it confusing when you…
I was a little confused when my blog buddy referred to “the normative perception of a ‘housewife’ in U.S. society. What is this perception? I think more detail needs to be given about what a housewife is perceived in order to make that point valid. Try to be specific and not use broad terms such as society if possible.
You’re really great at…
My blog buddy is great at using relevant quotes in the assignments that pertain to the point they are trying to make in their blog posts. The quotes are always blended into sentences and never sound choppy and awkward. They are very concise and to the point.
I wish you could focus (more) on/alter/edit/explain/expand on/etc these three things…
I think you should focus more on how sexuality is portrayed on “Desperate Housewives.” It is mentioned briefly in a post about one of the housewife’s sons, but I think the sexuality about the actual housewives needs to be discussed.More should be said aboutPerhaps you can focus more on how the show serves as a outlet to overwhelmed and underappreciated wives and mothers.I think you can also focus more on how economics and social class plays a role in the amount of power the housewives on the show have.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Desperate Housewives and Motherhood
In today’s world Motherhood is a term that appears to hold little meaning to many celebrities whose pictures we see plastered on tabloids and on the news, performing some public display of irresponsibility. We’ve seen some holding their babies off of balconies and others driving with their children on their laps. TV shows seem to challenge these outward displays of misconduct by creating strong emotional bonds between mothers and children in numerous series, including Desperate Housewives. Although Desperate Housewives doesn’t portray idealistic families, it accurately depicts compassionate mothers with apparent love towards their children.
It appears that the character Lynette Scavo played by Felicity Huffman, seems to have the closest grasp to an idealistic family out of the four main women of Desperate Housewives. Although she does not represent the idealistic “most extreme conclusion that Mother should stay at home all of the time, providing a stable and safe haven for her child, and embodiment of conservative family values” (Ladd-Taylor, Umansky). She is a mother of four and has a loving and trustworthy husband named Tom. She put her career on hold to care for her family as Tom continued working. However tensions rose between Tom and Lynette when Lynette decided to get back into the workplace and began working at the same company as Tom. Their kids were placed in the daycare facility for working parents at their company, an idea becoming more popular as companies and businesses jump on the “mommy track” and become family friendly workplaces. Lynette was promoted making her Tom’s boss, an event which led to him quitting the company. Tom lost power at the workplace and felt subjected to his wife as she gained authority over him. Tom stayed home with the kids while his wife went to work, allowing him to create the type bond with his children that Lynette has.
Lynette took on her role in motherhood by providing for her family financially while at the same time maintaining her motherly role as a caregiver. In this case there is no “primary” caregiver which is usually associated with the mother. Tom decides to open a pizzeria, an idea which he only dreamt about before quitting his job. Lynette is very concerned about this risky endeavor and the effect it could have on their family’s future financial stability. Tom acts carelessly and seems unconcerned about the risk he is about to take while Lynette raises awareness about paying for their children to go to college. Lynette’s natural instinct as a mother is apparent in her concern for her children’s future well being.
Lynette decides to support her husband and quits her job to be there for him and their family. She feels she can’t stop him from following his dream so she gives up her job to make sure he does it right and to protect their money. By quitting her job she’s losing power and is falling into the stereotype of women being controlled by their husbands. She had a successful profession and she threw it away protect her children’s future due to the selfishness of their father. I think Lynette takes motherhood to an entire different level through maintaining a career and a family and especially through sacrificing her career for the benefit of her children.
Ladd-Taylor, Molly and Umansky, Lauri. “Bad” Mothers. The Politics of Blame in Twentieth-Century America. 1998.
It appears that the character Lynette Scavo played by Felicity Huffman, seems to have the closest grasp to an idealistic family out of the four main women of Desperate Housewives. Although she does not represent the idealistic “most extreme conclusion that Mother should stay at home all of the time, providing a stable and safe haven for her child, and embodiment of conservative family values” (Ladd-Taylor, Umansky). She is a mother of four and has a loving and trustworthy husband named Tom. She put her career on hold to care for her family as Tom continued working. However tensions rose between Tom and Lynette when Lynette decided to get back into the workplace and began working at the same company as Tom. Their kids were placed in the daycare facility for working parents at their company, an idea becoming more popular as companies and businesses jump on the “mommy track” and become family friendly workplaces. Lynette was promoted making her Tom’s boss, an event which led to him quitting the company. Tom lost power at the workplace and felt subjected to his wife as she gained authority over him. Tom stayed home with the kids while his wife went to work, allowing him to create the type bond with his children that Lynette has.
Lynette took on her role in motherhood by providing for her family financially while at the same time maintaining her motherly role as a caregiver. In this case there is no “primary” caregiver which is usually associated with the mother. Tom decides to open a pizzeria, an idea which he only dreamt about before quitting his job. Lynette is very concerned about this risky endeavor and the effect it could have on their family’s future financial stability. Tom acts carelessly and seems unconcerned about the risk he is about to take while Lynette raises awareness about paying for their children to go to college. Lynette’s natural instinct as a mother is apparent in her concern for her children’s future well being.
Lynette decides to support her husband and quits her job to be there for him and their family. She feels she can’t stop him from following his dream so she gives up her job to make sure he does it right and to protect their money. By quitting her job she’s losing power and is falling into the stereotype of women being controlled by their husbands. She had a successful profession and she threw it away protect her children’s future due to the selfishness of their father. I think Lynette takes motherhood to an entire different level through maintaining a career and a family and especially through sacrificing her career for the benefit of her children.
Ladd-Taylor, Molly and Umansky, Lauri. “Bad” Mothers. The Politics of Blame in Twentieth-Century America. 1998.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Desperate Housewives Desperate for Idealistic Families

It is apparent in each of the four main female characters of Desperate Housewives that “The equilibrium of a happy, stable family is constantly there in the background, but is never achieved” (Fiske). Each woman claims at one point to want an ideal family life but their actions in the series never fully allow them to achieve this desire. Gabrielle for example moved to a suburban town without any intention of becoming a “housewife”. She had an affair with the gardener, and her husband Carlos took her back. They decided to start a family in hope to mend their relationship but needed a surrogate mother to do so. Carlos had an affair with the surrogate mother and the baby she was carrying turned out not to be Gabrielle’s and Carlos’s. Bree, the perfectionist strives for a picture perfect family perhaps the most out of the foursome. She’s polite, well spoken, and a perfect host; however she has two rebellious children and suspected murderer for a husband. Susan is the divorced single mother who wishes for a prince charming to sweep her off her feet so she too can attempt to achieve stable family status. However she slept with her ex husband who was engaged to Eddie Britt. Lynette has the only stable family out of the four main characters in part due to her husbands’ apparent love and devotion towards her. She is also the only woman who works outside of the home while her husband stays home with their four children. I think Desperate Housewives is a comforting and comedic outlet to many women who can relate to this reach for the unattainable idealistic family.
Fiske, John. Gendered Television. Gender, Race, and Class in Media, 470.
I found all of the pictures in my collage at
Post #3
I have been an avid viewer of Desperate Housewives since the first show aired in 2004. The dramatic story lines, the lies, betrayals, and sneakiness of the characters captivated my interest, as it did millions of other viewers, leading the show into its third season. I never took the time nor felt the need to reflect on or question the elements of gender and popular culture apparent in the show which is why I decided it would be a good site of analysis for this project. A closer look at this captivating primetime soap reveals layers of gender inequalities displayed by every main character and in every story line which tend to be overlooked by the typical viewer. I decided to devote this blog to exposing the intersections of gender with race, class, ethnicity, and sexuality within Desperate Housewives.
The mere title of the show implies a satiric element, feeding the hegemonic norms associated with housewives while at the same time dismantling them. However the characters aren’t meant to be depicted as desperate at all. They are four women who have given an entirely new meaning to the term “housewife”. Don’t be fooled by the “Leave it to Beaver” style houses on Wisteria Lane, drama and deception are taken to an extreme behind the white picket fences lining every green grassed lawn. However, along with this drama and deception comes empowerment and independence. These modern day women serve as an outlet to every wife and mother who feels overwhelmed and unappreciated. Desperate Housewives empowers women who slave over their families and allows them to believe that they too can be sexy, mysterious, and unpredictable.
Although Desperate Housewives is meant to empower middle aged women while challenging the hegemonic norms associated with the term “housewife”, there are notable instances of gender inequality intersected with race, ethnicity and sexuality which reinforce hegemonic ideals and stereotypes. For example the only African American characters in the show appeared only in the second season. Mrs. Applewhite kept her mentally disabled son (who was framed by his brother for raping and murdering a girl) locked up in the basement. This reinforces the “the image of the Black man as a sexual monster” (Dines).
The only homosexual character on the show is Bree’s son who she abandoned in the second season for his rebellious and malicious attitude. Bree’s disappointment at her son’s sexual orientation supports hegemonic norms however alters stereotypes once she accepts her son for who he is. This can be applied with the trend of recent television programming that is “sympathetic to glbt communities must appeal to mainstream liberal viewers who today most likely know someone gay in the workplace, family, or among friends” (Raymond).
Desperate Housewives provides viewers with hegemonic and counter-hegemonic elements while also reinforcing and challenging normative popular culture. Desperate Housewives could be considered controversial due to the fact that it alters the normative perception of a “housewife” in US society. The four main characters are females who hold an apparent power and status among the other residents on Wisteria Lane. This show reaches out to women as well as men by offering the perspective of a group of women and their thoughts on work, family, men, and love. Although the storyline of some episodes may seem overt, the messages being sent through the dramatic actions are empowering which influences the power the women possess and redefines social norms.
Dines, Gail. King Kong and the White Woman. Gender, Race, and Class in Media, 452.
Raymond, Diane. Popular Culture and Quess Representation. Gender, Race, and Class in Media, 102.
The mere title of the show implies a satiric element, feeding the hegemonic norms associated with housewives while at the same time dismantling them. However the characters aren’t meant to be depicted as desperate at all. They are four women who have given an entirely new meaning to the term “housewife”. Don’t be fooled by the “Leave it to Beaver” style houses on Wisteria Lane, drama and deception are taken to an extreme behind the white picket fences lining every green grassed lawn. However, along with this drama and deception comes empowerment and independence. These modern day women serve as an outlet to every wife and mother who feels overwhelmed and unappreciated. Desperate Housewives empowers women who slave over their families and allows them to believe that they too can be sexy, mysterious, and unpredictable.
Although Desperate Housewives is meant to empower middle aged women while challenging the hegemonic norms associated with the term “housewife”, there are notable instances of gender inequality intersected with race, ethnicity and sexuality which reinforce hegemonic ideals and stereotypes. For example the only African American characters in the show appeared only in the second season. Mrs. Applewhite kept her mentally disabled son (who was framed by his brother for raping and murdering a girl) locked up in the basement. This reinforces the “the image of the Black man as a sexual monster” (Dines).
The only homosexual character on the show is Bree’s son who she abandoned in the second season for his rebellious and malicious attitude. Bree’s disappointment at her son’s sexual orientation supports hegemonic norms however alters stereotypes once she accepts her son for who he is. This can be applied with the trend of recent television programming that is “sympathetic to glbt communities must appeal to mainstream liberal viewers who today most likely know someone gay in the workplace, family, or among friends” (Raymond).
Desperate Housewives provides viewers with hegemonic and counter-hegemonic elements while also reinforcing and challenging normative popular culture. Desperate Housewives could be considered controversial due to the fact that it alters the normative perception of a “housewife” in US society. The four main characters are females who hold an apparent power and status among the other residents on Wisteria Lane. This show reaches out to women as well as men by offering the perspective of a group of women and their thoughts on work, family, men, and love. Although the storyline of some episodes may seem overt, the messages being sent through the dramatic actions are empowering which influences the power the women possess and redefines social norms.
Dines, Gail. King Kong and the White Woman. Gender, Race, and Class in Media, 452.
Raymond, Diane. Popular Culture and Quess Representation. Gender, Race, and Class in Media, 102.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Response to lecture from Dr. Susan Wood
I recently attended a lecture given by Dr. Susan Wood, the resigned Assistant Commissioner of Women’s Health. Her resignation was in part due to the controversial issue of Plan B, the emergency contraceptive and FDA’s effort to prolong it’s over the counter status due to ideological purposes. Plan B is a set of two high progestin pills that prevents unintended pregnancy if taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex. Plan B does not cause abortion and is very safe. It was approved by FDA in 1999 but did not reach over the counter status until 2003. Plan B cannot be purchased by people under 18 unless given as a prescription not because of scientific purposes but because of ideological reasoning.
Advertisements in popular culture promote public displays of sexuality. Children are subjected to these eroticized advertisements as soon as they are exposed to popular culture whether it’s through TV, movies, or magazines. It’s hard to distinguish between sex and sexuality in advertisements, allowing teens to accept and often attempt to duplicate the images they see represented in today’s popular culture. With emergency contraceptives accessible to teenagers, some of the people at FDA were concerned that this would allow teenagers to be careless with their bodies, therefore preventing its advertisement to people underage. So it’s okay to watch men rap about sex with half naked women dancing around them in a music video but it’s illegal for a teenage girl to prevent an unintended pregnancy in a safe way by buying Plan B? Sex is being advertised through popular culture but there is no advertisement for Plan B in an off label prescription.
Advertisements in popular culture promote public displays of sexuality. Children are subjected to these eroticized advertisements as soon as they are exposed to popular culture whether it’s through TV, movies, or magazines. It’s hard to distinguish between sex and sexuality in advertisements, allowing teens to accept and often attempt to duplicate the images they see represented in today’s popular culture. With emergency contraceptives accessible to teenagers, some of the people at FDA were concerned that this would allow teenagers to be careless with their bodies, therefore preventing its advertisement to people underage. So it’s okay to watch men rap about sex with half naked women dancing around them in a music video but it’s illegal for a teenage girl to prevent an unintended pregnancy in a safe way by buying Plan B? Sex is being advertised through popular culture but there is no advertisement for Plan B in an off label prescription.
Monday, March 5, 2007
Finale wrap-up: "Desperate Housewives" By Heather Havrileskyhttp
Furthermore, the big mysteries of this season don't feel character-driven, organic or remotely compelling. Unlike the death of their shared friend last season, the arrival of a stranger Betty (Alfre Woodard) with a dark secret is hardly enough to spark our curiosity. Orson (Kyle MacLachlan) the evil dentist replaces the evil pharmacist in romancing Bree, and even when he unexpectedly runs over Susan's beau, Mike, with his car in the last few minutes of the finale (presumably because Mike seems to have known him when he was an evil prison dentist) that back story already seems about as fascinating as Betty's go-nowhere son-in-the-basement mystery. Looney Zach (Cody Kasch) kills his mean grandfather and inherits a fortune, leaving his nasty father to rot in prison, all of which feels utterly inconsequential. And Carlos (Ricardo Chavira) really is sleeping with the maid/surrogate mother of his and Gabby's unborn child.
This article confronts the issues of gender and the media with an in depth analysis of the roles the characters play in comparison to the expected message the show was thought to convey through the ironic title Desperate Housewives. However, there were many notable race and class issues apparent throughout the second season which weren’t mentioned in this article that are related to the gender dimension of the show as well.
The only African American characters in the show are Betty and her two sons, one of which she keeps locked in the basement. Kaleb suffers from mental disabilities and was framed by his brother for the murder of his brother’s girlfriend. Betty is trying to protect her son by chaining him to the basement wall as her other son, the real murderer pursues Bree’s daughter Danielle. Matthew and Danielle run away together however when Bree finds out that he is the real murder she escapes from the institution in which she admitted herself to save her daughter in hopes of protecting her daughter from the wrath of the African American man. Matthew becomes rough with Danielle, portraying the stereotypical role of the violent and murderous African American man. Bree shoots him in defense, killing him and the Applewhite’s fail to return for season three.
When the surrogate of Gabby and Carlos’s baby gives birth to their supposedly child, an African American baby emerges instead of the expected white one and the expressions on the characters faces are of obvious disappointment and shock. The doctor’s implanted the wrong DNA and Gabby and Carlos do not wish to keep the child, instead they separate. All of the characters live on the same street and have around the same social class. Gabby and Carlos don’t have any children so their house is more immaculate then Tom and Lynette’s who have four children. The only character in the second season that is portrayed as having a lower social class is the Solice’s Asian maid/surrogate who is from another country whose freedoms are much more limited and restricted to that of the United States. She came to America in the hope of obtaining freedom and for a taste of the “American Dream”.
Furthermore, the big mysteries of this season don't feel character-driven, organic or remotely compelling. Unlike the death of their shared friend last season, the arrival of a stranger Betty (Alfre Woodard) with a dark secret is hardly enough to spark our curiosity. Orson (Kyle MacLachlan) the evil dentist replaces the evil pharmacist in romancing Bree, and even when he unexpectedly runs over Susan's beau, Mike, with his car in the last few minutes of the finale (presumably because Mike seems to have known him when he was an evil prison dentist) that back story already seems about as fascinating as Betty's go-nowhere son-in-the-basement mystery. Looney Zach (Cody Kasch) kills his mean grandfather and inherits a fortune, leaving his nasty father to rot in prison, all of which feels utterly inconsequential. And Carlos (Ricardo Chavira) really is sleeping with the maid/surrogate mother of his and Gabby's unborn child.
This article confronts the issues of gender and the media with an in depth analysis of the roles the characters play in comparison to the expected message the show was thought to convey through the ironic title Desperate Housewives. However, there were many notable race and class issues apparent throughout the second season which weren’t mentioned in this article that are related to the gender dimension of the show as well.
The only African American characters in the show are Betty and her two sons, one of which she keeps locked in the basement. Kaleb suffers from mental disabilities and was framed by his brother for the murder of his brother’s girlfriend. Betty is trying to protect her son by chaining him to the basement wall as her other son, the real murderer pursues Bree’s daughter Danielle. Matthew and Danielle run away together however when Bree finds out that he is the real murder she escapes from the institution in which she admitted herself to save her daughter in hopes of protecting her daughter from the wrath of the African American man. Matthew becomes rough with Danielle, portraying the stereotypical role of the violent and murderous African American man. Bree shoots him in defense, killing him and the Applewhite’s fail to return for season three.
When the surrogate of Gabby and Carlos’s baby gives birth to their supposedly child, an African American baby emerges instead of the expected white one and the expressions on the characters faces are of obvious disappointment and shock. The doctor’s implanted the wrong DNA and Gabby and Carlos do not wish to keep the child, instead they separate. All of the characters live on the same street and have around the same social class. Gabby and Carlos don’t have any children so their house is more immaculate then Tom and Lynette’s who have four children. The only character in the second season that is portrayed as having a lower social class is the Solice’s Asian maid/surrogate who is from another country whose freedoms are much more limited and restricted to that of the United States. She came to America in the hope of obtaining freedom and for a taste of the “American Dream”.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Part 1 Analysis of "The Girls Next Door"
The purpose of this article is to analyze the concepts of femininity and masculinity as found in popular media and advertising through “The Girls Next Door” Reality TV show.
At first glance “The Girls Next Door” appears to define hegemonic definitions of femininity and masculinity through the portrayal of Playboy founder Hugh Hefner and his three blonde, busty girlfriends in which the show is centered around. However, a closer look at the roles played by Holly, Bridget, and Kendra in Hugh’s elaborate life reveals various elements of popular culture and its representation of gender.
In the opening of “The Girls Next Door” each girlfriend is briefly introduced individually with their head on a cartoon character, dancing around and smiling, doing something that offers an insight to their interests. For example, Bridget, the “educated girlfriend”, is surrounded by books, is wearing thick black glasses, has on a graduation hat and is holding a diploma. Bridget has a masters in communication and is therefore depicted as the nerd of the trio. Holly, Hef’s main girlfriend, is shown wearing a cheerleading uniform, and flailing her pom-poms all over the screen. Kendra, the sporty girlfriend and self proclaimed tom boy is shown in a softball uniform with her hair in a bouncy ponytail.
The girls are portrayed as having varied interests and personalities but they all represent the normative definition of beauty represented in the media and are all attempting to attain fame and fortune. Their bleach blonde hair, skinny figures, and large (most likely silicon) breasts represent the ideal feminine subject. This ultimate model of femininity advertises the need for young girls to recreate their bodies to be socially accepted and appealing in today’s materialistic society. “Advertising is one of the most potent messengers in a culture that can be toxic for girl’s self-esteem” (Kilbourne, 1999).
Most young girls are given Barbie dolls to play with, usually accompanied by a Barbie mansion, Ken doll, and sports car. Bridget, Holly, and Kendra represent real life Barbie dolls from their appearance to the man, the mansion, and the cars. Girls see this portrayal of a real life dream world through the media and “spend enormous amounts of time and energy attempting to achieve something that is not only trivial but also completely unattainable”(Kilbourne, 1999).
At first glance “The Girls Next Door” appears to define hegemonic definitions of femininity and masculinity through the portrayal of Playboy founder Hugh Hefner and his three blonde, busty girlfriends in which the show is centered around. However, a closer look at the roles played by Holly, Bridget, and Kendra in Hugh’s elaborate life reveals various elements of popular culture and its representation of gender.
In the opening of “The Girls Next Door” each girlfriend is briefly introduced individually with their head on a cartoon character, dancing around and smiling, doing something that offers an insight to their interests. For example, Bridget, the “educated girlfriend”, is surrounded by books, is wearing thick black glasses, has on a graduation hat and is holding a diploma. Bridget has a masters in communication and is therefore depicted as the nerd of the trio. Holly, Hef’s main girlfriend, is shown wearing a cheerleading uniform, and flailing her pom-poms all over the screen. Kendra, the sporty girlfriend and self proclaimed tom boy is shown in a softball uniform with her hair in a bouncy ponytail.
The girls are portrayed as having varied interests and personalities but they all represent the normative definition of beauty represented in the media and are all attempting to attain fame and fortune. Their bleach blonde hair, skinny figures, and large (most likely silicon) breasts represent the ideal feminine subject. This ultimate model of femininity advertises the need for young girls to recreate their bodies to be socially accepted and appealing in today’s materialistic society. “Advertising is one of the most potent messengers in a culture that can be toxic for girl’s self-esteem” (Kilbourne, 1999).
Most young girls are given Barbie dolls to play with, usually accompanied by a Barbie mansion, Ken doll, and sports car. Bridget, Holly, and Kendra represent real life Barbie dolls from their appearance to the man, the mansion, and the cars. Girls see this portrayal of a real life dream world through the media and “spend enormous amounts of time and energy attempting to achieve something that is not only trivial but also completely unattainable”(Kilbourne, 1999).
Part 2 Analysis of "The Girls Next Door"
“The Girls Next Door” also creates very powerful concepts of masculinity and reveals apparent double standards in relationships between men and women. Hef is an eighty year old man worth billions of dollars and holds a prominent position in the mass media. Hef is praised for his success as the founder and editor-in-chief of Playboy as well as being the ultimate womanizer. If a woman founded a magazine displaying nude pictures of men and went on to live in a mansion with three boyfriends at her request, would she be treated with the same respect and admiration as Hef? I don’t think so. If a woman was to do what Hef does she would be classified as a whore in today’s society and would be looked down upon by women instead of praised the way Hef is by men. Hef who wears a velvet and silk bathrobe everyday, living in a mansion with servants to do his work and three women at his beck and call represents ideal masculinity.
In one of the episodes, his workers are seen packing his clothes for him prior to boarding a private jet, preparing his meals, and making sure every detail is perfect for their boss. Hef’s girlfriends however are shown packing their own small suitcases and loading them into the trunk themselves. The girls have their own bedrooms (except Holly who shares one with Hef) and show minimal affection towards Hef with the exception of a small peck on the lips every now and then. There is no apparent chemistry between Hef and any of the girls except a noticeable one way adoration of Hef from Holly. This proves that Hef’s girlfriends are merely disposable objects of pleasure for him.
Hef has had numerous previous girlfriends who come and go with his request. As the busty blondes grow older Hef simply replaces them with younger and more naive women and his empire continues to build. Do these girls honestly believe they will be taken seriously in the real world when they don’t want to be an eighty year old man’s sex object anymore? Hef’s secretary however who is probably in her seventies has been working for him for years. She is elderly and in no way resembles Hef’s idealistic female, proving she is not a disposable object of sexuality to him but a woman who he respects which is why she is still part of his life.
There is an apparent approach of situational sexuality displayed in “The Girls Next Door” as Holly, Bridget, and Kendra alter their personalities according to the circumstances. When the girls are shown alone they’re focused on their personal activities and interests but when they’re with Hef or in a party atmosphere the focus changes to nudity and overtly sexual displays. One of the episodes focuses on Hef’s birthday party where naked, painted women walk around, everyone’s drinking, the girls are wearing close to nothing and the men are enjoying all of it.
Bridget’s mother and stepfather visit the afternoon before the party and Bridget doesn’t eat lunch with them because she wants to look skinny for the striptease she’s doing for Hef. You would think her parents would want her to eat and especially not want her to do a striptease but in actuality they tease her about how delicious the food is that she can’t eat and watch her strip! How can’t her parents feel uncomfortable about seeing their daughter in a g-string and pasties knowing that the provocative performance is for an eighty year old man?
“The Girls Next Door” represents very normative views of beauty and the importance of success and wealth in today’s culture. Hegemonic definitions of femininity and masculinity and the portrayal of sex and gender are apparent in just one episode of this derogatory series.
Kilbourne, Jean. "The More You Subtract, The More You Add". Dines, Gail. Gender, Race, and Class In Media. Sage Publications, Inc. Thousand Oaks, California. 2003.
In one of the episodes, his workers are seen packing his clothes for him prior to boarding a private jet, preparing his meals, and making sure every detail is perfect for their boss. Hef’s girlfriends however are shown packing their own small suitcases and loading them into the trunk themselves. The girls have their own bedrooms (except Holly who shares one with Hef) and show minimal affection towards Hef with the exception of a small peck on the lips every now and then. There is no apparent chemistry between Hef and any of the girls except a noticeable one way adoration of Hef from Holly. This proves that Hef’s girlfriends are merely disposable objects of pleasure for him.
Hef has had numerous previous girlfriends who come and go with his request. As the busty blondes grow older Hef simply replaces them with younger and more naive women and his empire continues to build. Do these girls honestly believe they will be taken seriously in the real world when they don’t want to be an eighty year old man’s sex object anymore? Hef’s secretary however who is probably in her seventies has been working for him for years. She is elderly and in no way resembles Hef’s idealistic female, proving she is not a disposable object of sexuality to him but a woman who he respects which is why she is still part of his life.
There is an apparent approach of situational sexuality displayed in “The Girls Next Door” as Holly, Bridget, and Kendra alter their personalities according to the circumstances. When the girls are shown alone they’re focused on their personal activities and interests but when they’re with Hef or in a party atmosphere the focus changes to nudity and overtly sexual displays. One of the episodes focuses on Hef’s birthday party where naked, painted women walk around, everyone’s drinking, the girls are wearing close to nothing and the men are enjoying all of it.
Bridget’s mother and stepfather visit the afternoon before the party and Bridget doesn’t eat lunch with them because she wants to look skinny for the striptease she’s doing for Hef. You would think her parents would want her to eat and especially not want her to do a striptease but in actuality they tease her about how delicious the food is that she can’t eat and watch her strip! How can’t her parents feel uncomfortable about seeing their daughter in a g-string and pasties knowing that the provocative performance is for an eighty year old man?
“The Girls Next Door” represents very normative views of beauty and the importance of success and wealth in today’s culture. Hegemonic definitions of femininity and masculinity and the portrayal of sex and gender are apparent in just one episode of this derogatory series.
Kilbourne, Jean. "The More You Subtract, The More You Add". Dines, Gail. Gender, Race, and Class In Media. Sage Publications, Inc. Thousand Oaks, California. 2003.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Related Link 5
This site is a mans blog in which he discusses the different aspects of the Desperate Housewives video game as an attempt to integrate women into the game industry.
This site is a mans blog in which he discusses the different aspects of the Desperate Housewives video game as an attempt to integrate women into the game industry.
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